We are Magnets.......


When we emit positive energy (thoughts, feelings, and vibrations), we attract more positives to us.  Love and accept yourself as you are right now.  Free yourself from past resentments and disappointments about who you were yesterday.  Let go of any and all resentment you’re hanging onto about everyone and everything else.  Stop giving your power away.   Every time you choose to focus on a negative, you are depleting your reserves rather than re-charging your batteries.  Love is the antidote to fear.  Develop an attitude of gratitude by making a list of all the things you are grateful for, including increased health and vitality.  Be happy.  Appreciate this moment. Laugh!  Laugh again!
When you remain positive, you summon well-being, and vanquish illness and dis-ease.

Animals stay with us as long as they are needed because all animals are where they are supposed to be.  As difficult as it is to say goodbye to our animal companions, please understand that when their purpose with you has been fulfilled, they must leave.  


1st Sunday of the Month


140 Main Street, Biddeford, Maine

11 a.m. - 3 p.m.